Soft Matter and Biological Physics Laboratory

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The Soft Matter & Biophysics Laboratory (SMBPL) explores the physical complexities of various non-equilibrium systems, from biophysical phenomena in single cells to population-level dynamics to active matter systems. By pioneering experimental and numerical techniques to investigate multiple out-of-equilibrium systems, it seeks to advance both fundamental understanding and practical applications. Focusing on training Filipino physicists, it aims to drive innovation and discovery in the field.  The group has cutting-edge experimental setups for optical manipulation and investigation at other non-equilibrium systems. A computer cluster for making calculations numerically is also housed in the Laboratory. The research group has contributed to major academic journals like Biophysical and Biochemical Research Communications and Physical Review E


Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics

Statistical Mechanics has been very successful in describing systems at or very near equilibrium. Nonetheless, much of nature are far from equilibrium condition. Our work on the field encompasses experimental, computational and theoretical investigations from dynamics of soft materials to biological organisms and to active matter systems. Recently we have identified a measure to determine the distance of a system from equilibrium. Moreover, using optical means we measured the effective temperature of a particle in an intermittent double well potential.

Taxis of P. polycephalum and its applications 

We study how a single-celled organism, Physarum polycephalum, processes information. Through experimental and theoretical research methods, our research spans multiple disciplines, including chemistry, electronic applications, and mathematics, employing both practical and theoretical approaches. Furthermore, we aim to understand the organism's innate problem-solving abilities, addressing complex problems such as optimization problems, network formation, and route navigation. 

Active matter in confined spaces

We investigate the behavior and properties of collections of macroscopic particles. These granular materials are studied under different conditions to uncover the underlying principles of their collective behavior. We aim to quantify these properties to develop predictive models and provide a deeper understanding of granular behavior.

Self-propelling particles in complex optical fields 

Harnessing the power of light, the SMBPL researchers manipulate and study soft matter and biological systems at the micro- and nanoscale with the precision of piconewton-level forces. Using various laser sources, UV, blue, green, red, and infrared, coupled with SLM lasers, we have the techniques and versatility to employ optical trapping for a wide range of research applications.

Hydrogel Robots

Because of the growing interest in the field of soft robotics emerging as a significant tool for biomedical applications, we explore bio-inspired robots that will overcome the limitations of conventional rigid robots, which have difficulty adapting to complex environments. Soft materials are needed to ensure safe interactions within human bodies; thus, we use hydrogel as a compliant material because of its unique properties, such as high stretchability, transparency, ion conductivity, and biocompatibility. Integrating the physarum, a noncentralized slime mold that demonstrates capabilities in solving complex problems through phototaxis, chemotaxis, and durotaxis, into the hydrogels will make this combination of decentralized decision-making and adaptive responses a promising tool in the development of new flexible, adaptive, and biologically harmonious systems in the field of soft robotics.

Numerical Active Matter

We numerically investigate the dynamic behaviors and emergent phenomena within active matter systems, shedding light on the intricate interplay of forces and collective motion at the microscopic level. Our findings contribute to the understanding of collective behaviors in complex systems, offering a computational lens to explore and predict the dynamics of active matter in various applications and environments.